Tuition fees are paid directly to the educational institution, giving you peace of mind that the cost of your children’s education is covered should the unexpected happen to you.
The benefit is adjusted every year to keep up with the ever-rising cost of Education.
This is an allowance which covers the cost of nursery schools, daycare and similar institutions prior to your child starting formal schooling.
Covers your child through every level of their educational journey, including 2 years Pre-primary, 7 years Primary, 5 years Secondary and their first undergraduate degree.
You have a choice to cover your child at either one of these schooling options, ensuring that their level of education is maintained.
If your children have special needs that require them to attend a specialist institution, we cover their fees up to 150% of the normal maximum rand limit.
Pays for your children’s education when the unexpected happens, if you pass away, become permanently disabled or are diagnosed with a listed critical illness event.
HIV+ lives qualify for EduCator Death cover, subject to benefit limits and acceptance of cover by our underwriters.
If your child emigrates whilst in claim, their tuition fees at recognised institutions, will be covered, subject to maximum Rand limits.
Your child will qualify for higher maximum dollar limits, should they attend one of the listed international tertiary institutions, whilst in claim. Fees will also be paid for recognised international tertiary institutions that not on the approved list.
Your child will receive an annual allowance to cover expenses like extra-mural activities, extra lessons, uniforms, stationery, textbooks and transportation costs.
Includes an achievement allowance that rewards your children should they achieve provincial or national colours in a sport or cultural activity.